The following ad campaign is inspired by the short story "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" (Originally published. April 1966) by Philip K. Dick. Although the story is most famous for its film reincarnations Total Recall (1990) and Total Recall (2012) - the ads here stay true to the original PKD story - not the films. With the main focus obviously being the product (or service) of REKAL the ads also explore other aspects of the story and its world to bring another dimension to PKD's universe. Click all images to enlarge. Enjoy. 

Some background: What is REKAL? REKAL, Incorporated is a company located on Terra (Earth) in the city of Chicago, founded approx. year 2083.

What does REKAL do? REKAL offers implants of “extra-factual-memory” into a person's subconscious – giving them memories of life-long fantasies, desires, or alternate realities, which would otherwise be completely unattainable either financially, personally, or physically. These include (but are not limited to) adventures, past experiences, relationships, and dreams. Also included in each package are a certain amount of customized mementos to make the memories all the more tangible. This service/product is called "Recall". 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Some more background: In the world where REKAL exists, more specifically the city of Chicago on Terra, there seems to be a relative dystopian aspect in the sense that there is a Terra-wide policing force – Interplan – as well as a minor feeling of a caste-type class system. However, mixed in there also seems to be a high level of free-flowing (and accepted) urban hedonism. Why is this important? Because REKAL will appeal to those who are unable to obtain their desired memories either because of social status or because they're restricted by Interplan (the Gov't) – REKAL is allowable and not unusually amoral to society.

The Goal: To create a series of print ads to generate curiosity about REKAL (without really explaining it) so as to increase the flow of customers.

The Target: Mainly working (middle)-class males ages 35-55.  Single or Married.

The Concept: Not all of the ads will be necessarily suggestive* however all will play on a level of ambiguity (to create curiosity). 

The Remember Ads

*The story itself was written for adults and is the basis for 2 Rated-R films. In the story REKAL does have a level of vice to it – it has an unknown sensibility to it, treated almost hush hush (the receptionist at REKAL is “chic and bare from the waist up” and even offers herself to the main character, at no consequence). Given the atmosphere of the futuristic city I feel a certain degree of suggestivity is appropriate.

The ads are meant to summon up a fleeting notion of a memory missed – a memory of an idyllic time – in this case, time spent with a beautiful woman. The memory is recalled when you first saw her for the first time/her arrival. Rekal can give you this.

It's "Recall" not Rekal

These ads are overtly sexual, which may seem in bad taste but is known to be effective. to recap, the story itself has very direct sexual connotations, as do the film versions. The story's world (described earlier) is one where this type of ad would be appropriate. Note, the line “thousands of them” is taken from the pitch by Rekal's manager (in the story) where he suggests he can give you (through Recall) “Thousands of Women”. Also note, in the Arnold film, it is seen that a client can “create” a woman that will be in their memory by selecting hair type, body type, etc.

Adventure at Cost

The concept here was to create to travel ads for Rekal – in this case where Rekal implants a memory of a trip into your head (as well as gives you a few physical mementos afterwards for deeper effect). Staying with the main campaign strategy of providing a visually pleasing spark to generate curiosity. Content and look of the ad targets a more specific demographic of young, adventure seeking, males. 

Doom Mons is the largest mountain range on Titan by volume, and its 1.45 km-high peak is one of the highest. It was discovered by the Cassini–Huygens probe in 2005 and officially named in 2012.
The Inner Planet Alliance has discovered a chain of exotic methane snowcapped mountains in Cthulhu. This area stretches halfway around Pluto’s equator, starting from icy plains of Sputnik Planum.

The Wholesale Ads

The idea here is to take the actual title of the book and use it as the main headline because it is in fact a good headline, why let it go to waste? This one is slightly less ambiguous. It also eludes to the 100% Poscred guarantee (poscreds is the form of currency in story) as well as how REKAL provides actual mementos and erasure of the Recall process so to make the memory, for all intents and purposes real

Here is an earlier version of the ad where "wholesale" was taken quite literally: 

What else is there? Since we are in the world of REKAL we will also advertise some other things that go along with the story: 

The Conapt

Our character, lives in a CONAPT (Condo-Apartment). In the story the conapt seems to be a representation of class. In the futuristic Chicago described apartments are for the lower class and houses or suites would be for upper-class, therefore the Conapt would be the main living space for the demographic of those who would use REKAL. Conapts provide many simulated amenities – cooking/cleaning services – and a certain presentation of luxury while maintaining economical efficiency. 


Narkidrine is the main chemical/drug used in the Recall process, it apparently has relaxing and sedative effects and possibly even pain-killing abilities. Users are to be able to stay lucid while it is used in the creation of the memory – therefore it effects the part of the brain where memories are created/stored etc thus stimulating brain activity. Although it isn’t suggested we can assume the drug has addictive qualities. Interpreted, it may be used in different capacities, such as pharmaceuticals or energy drinks.

PKD's 2083 

Are you going to the World Expo? Snuff is back in style... And Interplan is stronger then ever. 

Here are my notes and sketch for an ad yet to be created for DEAN SWIFT SNUFF:

*Currently seeking an Artist/Art Director who loves Science Fiction and PKD as much as I do to help me realize these ads to their fullest potential. If that sounds like you, see contact page - TM